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Bellevue, WA


  • Estate Planning
  • Financial Planning
  • Investment Solutions
  • Retirement Planning
  • Trust Services

Branch Manager



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About the Branch

Located in the City Center Building at the top of the hill in Bellevue, we can see the growth in the area that is exploding all around us. For nearly 40 years, Oppenheimer has served the Pacific Northwest, from our Seattle and Bellevue offices providing a broad range of financial services including wealth management, financial planning, retirement services, guardianship services and fixed income for domestic and international private clients and institutions.

We offer our Financial Professionals the autonomy to build their own businesses and the opportunity to combine the considerable resources and tools of a national boutique with their own experience and management style. The average tenure and experience of our employees is 20+ years, four of whom have been with the firm for more than 35 years; all to the benefit our clients.

We value individuals, and honor the partnerships we have by supporting independence, offering open architecture, and encouraging creative and entrepreneurial thinking. We value your freedom to apply financial strategies, establish a business model, and focus on your mission. A hallmark of our culture is keeping lines of communication short, with unfettered access to Firm management and department leaders, decision makers and specialized professionals. The end result is a combination of positive team collaboration and broad based support from the Firm, with minimized distractions; an increasingly rare occurrence in our industry.

We are proud to have a number of award-winning financial advisors throughout our branches at Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. Recently, one advisor from the Bellevue office, Spencer Nurse, added to that success record by being named to the 2020 Best in State Wealth Advisors List.

Awards Criteria

A Culture to Succeed

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Our Story in Numbers

*Stats as of December 31, 2024
  • 931

    Financial Professionals

  • $129.5

    Billion Client Assets under Administration

  • 88

    Branch Offices across the United States

John Wayne Trail Annual Bike Ride

The weather cooperated perfectly this year for our Seattle and Bellevue branches annual bike ride down the John Wayne trail from Hyak to North Bend. The ride which starts with a 2-mile stretch thru an old train tunnel and continues for another 23 miles to North Bend over elevated bridges, past creeks and beautiful waterfalls. As you can see in the pictures the colors were on display and the warm temperatures made for perfect conditions! Be sure to join us next year when we do this again in Mid-October to capture the Fall colors at their best!

Open House

The Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce members turned out in force to help us celebrate our Open House last week. 45 members of their community attended this gathering that allowed us to share with them the Power of Oppenheimer Thinking. Thank you so much to our partners there at Oppenheimer who were in attendance, Lisa Raboin, Art Chandler, Dan Cavagnaro and Jim Walker!

Customer Asset Protection

Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. (Oppenheimer) and its predecessor firms have been offering investment services since 1881. We are a financially sound institution committed to maintaining a strong, conservatively managed balance sheet, disciplined risk management and robust internal controls designed to protect our clients’ assets. In the unlikely event that Oppenheimer becomes insolvent, there are multiple layers of protection which safeguard our customers’ holdings.

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Products & Services

business people

Protecting My Assets

Preserve your wealth. Safeguard your future.

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three generations of women

Transitioning My Wealth

Your estate and legacy.

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advisors working together

Engaging Family Office Services

Learn More Engaging Family Office Services
couple looking at a tablet

Growing My Wealth

Planning your wealth on your terms.

Learn More Growing My Wealth
woman and grandchild

Planning for Retirement

Achieve your retirement goals on your terms.

Learn More Planning for Retirement