P3: An Innovative Solution to Our Infrastructure Needs
A Call Featuring Mark Morehouse, Managing Director of P3 Investment Banking, and Jane Ross, Managing Director of Investment Banking at Oppenheimer
In this episode,"P3: An Innovative Solution to Our Infrastructure Needs," Mark Morehouse, Managing Director of P3 Investment Banking, and Jane Ross, Managing Director of Investment Banking at Oppenheimer, discuss U.S. infrastructure concerns and Public-Private Partnerships (P3)—how these transactions work, and how investors can participate.
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Episode Highlights Include:
What is P3?
Public-Private Partnerships (P3) are an alternative method to delivering public infrastructure involving a private investor who designs, builds, finances, operates, and maintains a public infrastructure project under a long-term contract. Today, P3 is relevant in the transportation industry, which includes bridges, tunnels, parking, and transit; water and wastewater projects, and more.
America, P3, and a New Way of Thinking
While P3 is known and well-used worldwide, P3 is only considered innovative in the United States. In Europe, 75% of airline passengers pass through privately owned or operated airport facilities. In Latin America, that number is 60% and in Asia, it's 45%. But in the US and Canada, it's less than 1%. These statistics reveal a tremendous opportunity in the US for the government and investors too.
4 Reasons Why a Public Entity Considers P3
There are four broad reasons why a public sector entity would consider P3:
1. The availability of private sector capital.
2. Opportunity for risk transfer.
3. Private sector responsibility for ongoing maintenance
4. Access to global expertise and best practices
About our Guest
Mark Morehouse is a Managing Director at Oppenheimer, responsible for P3 advisory and capital raises in the transportation, social infrastructure, and water sectors. He brings over 20 years of experience to this industry analysis.
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