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Building a solid future with liquid assets.

Your fixed assets—art, cars, houses and boats—have tremendous emotional worth but are hard to value. Our analytical system has been developed to support you with a highly transparent, liquid portfolio.

Taking the emotion out of financial decision making is vital for instilling confidence. Why? Because we realize how deeply you’re connected to all you’ve achieved and how important it is to preserve.

Unlike many other advisors, we don’t use outside fund managers. Instead, our strategy is to invest in ETFs as significant portion of the portfolios we construct along with diversification in bonds, commodities, FX and cash as appropriate.

Our use of ETFs is anything but passive. Every day we measure and rank indices against each other and the S&P500’s performance. Then we put our full analytical power to work to help you make the most informed decisions you can to help achieve your goals.


Your Wealth

Oppenheimer Financial Advisors help you develop a financial plan that can meet your needs today and prepare for changes in the future.

Oppenheimer Financial Advisors help you develop a financial plan that can meet your needs today and prepare for changes in the future.


Planning for

Retirement is one of the biggest life events you can plan for. We're here to help.

Retirement is one of the biggest life events you can plan for. We're here to help.


Your Wealth

After years of working hard to build and maintain your wealth, it's time to consider what's next.

After years of working hard to build and maintain your wealth, it's time to consider what's next.


Your Assets

We know you have worked hard to grow your wealth. Take the right measures to help preserve it.

We know you have worked hard to grow your wealth. Take the right measures to help preserve it.