Let's Be Thankful
As a new contributor with the Frankenmuth Group of Oppenheimer & Co. Inc., there is a lot for me to be thankful for including all of you and this wonderful town we call home. Changing colors and cooler temps begin to take hold and the thought of a warm turkey dinner with family and friends is on all of our minds. While we understand the strain COVID has placed on our community, taking time to cherish moments with those we love and those that fill our hearts is something we can control. It is in our hands to host, whether virtually or socially distanced, a gathering to express our thanks with those we hold dear.
Stepping away from the dinner table we find there are numerous factors both in and out of our control in regards to the financial markets. We all would love to see the S&P 500 increase week after week, month after month. From our experience, it’s not about “timing the market” but rather “time in the market” that builds wealth. Said differently, we cannot control normal market volatility that comes with the nature of investing. We can control our patience and the level of risk exposure we subject ourselves to. I often say the best investment strategy is one you are comfortable with.
Paired with having a prudent investment mix and right sized expectations, we are also able to control how our estate is organized and protected. I find great solace in knowing all clients i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed – this is probably part of my compliance background talking and it’s very much true. When it comes to estate planning, each of us has complete control on our level of protection and knowing what happens with our estate in a variety of scenarios.
With all that said we find ourselves approaching one of the most joyous times of year and remain aware of the added anxieties brought on by COVID. I hope each of you take time to enjoy one of our nation’s great traditions and block out all distractions in the process. We all have a lot to be thankful for - even if the Lions don’t pull out a win J.
Happy Thanksgiving,
From Rob Swarts,
Frankenmuth Group of Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.