Tailored investment portfolios rooted in strategic asset allocation.
No two investors are alike. Which is why when it comes to building a diverse portfolio of investments, Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc. (OAM) provides The Gonzalez Group and their clients with unbiased advice and ideas that serve to match their goals and objectives.
Choosing from a mix of traditional and alternative investments (where appropriate) from across the global financial landscape, OAM helps private investors, and institutional clients find the right investment opportunities for their portfolio.
Oppenheimer Asset Management (OAM) provides The Gonzalez Group the following services for their clients:
- Traditional Investment Services - We work on a strategic plan for asset allocation, manager research, and portfolio construction.
- Alternative Investment Services - We provide curated access to qualified investors, for alternative investment funds through a proprietary platform.
- Proprietary Fixed Income Services - We offer fixed income portfolio management for high net worth individuals and institutional clients, including customized investment advice and investment management.