Asset Management
Tailored investment portfolios rooted in strategic asset allocation.
With half a century of experience, Oppenheimer Asset Management (OAM) has earned a reputation for creativity, innovation, and superior investment management. We integrate traditional and non-traditional portfolios into a unified solution while offering ready access to managers we believe to be among the best in the investment management universe; both within and outside the firm. Oppenheimer Asset Management's team has the experience and training to address the diverse needs of our clients and help them move closer to their financial goals.
The OAM Approach
We believe every portfolio should stand on a solid foundation of knowledge of the specifics of each client’s situation. By asking the right questions, we evaluate your financial goals, expectations, investment history, and risk tolerance and work directly with your Financial Professional to design an investment plan specifically for you.
Once your investment plan is in place, we regularly review your investment objectives with you and your Financial Professional to make any necessary changes to your portfolio.
Oppenheimer Asset Management, in cooperation with other Oppenheimer business units, also offers Private Market Opportunities to clients who are interested in raising money in the private markets and require comprehensive liquidity and capital raising solutions prior to going public.