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Who is on Your Personal Board of Directors?

  • Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.
  • August 16, 2023

Most public and private companies have a Board that help guide their CEO. So, it’s important to ask yourself: who is on your own personal Board of Directors?

Managing your life can be wonderful yet complex. As the CEO of your life, have you considered who are your closest advisors and confidantes? Who do you rely on for advice and support as you are making critical decisions that will impact your life? Are the following on your Board: accountant, doctor, financial advisor, lawyer, mentor, best friend?

board of directors

When you consider your taxes, an accountant can share valuable insights on updated tax law and new tax reduction strategies. A trusted doctor who knows you and has seen you for years can be invaluable if you have a health concern. A trusted law firm can help provide the attorneys who specialize on real estate, estate planning, divorce and other situations that benefit from legal advice. A mentor can provide input and feedback on your career progression and entrepreneurial ventures. Your spouse and best friend can offer insights and support throughout the many stages of your life. Finally, a financial advisor focuses on markets, financial planning, and other strategies designed specifically to help clients grow, preserve, and share their wealth.

Assembling a diverse and influential personal Board can be a game-changer in your journey towards success and personal growth. By leveraging the collective wisdom and support of mentors, professionals, and trusted allies, you gain valuable insights that can help propel and guide you through life’s challenges and opportunities.

If you’re ready to take the next step in securing your financial future, get in touch with an Oppenheimer Financial Professional today. Let us be a vital member of your personal Board; our experienced professionals are dedicated to understanding your unique goals and tailoring personalized strategies to help you achieve them. Learn what the Power of Oppenheimer Thinking can do for you.

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