Oppenheimer Hosts Successful Blood Drive
- March 12, 2024
Oppenheimer’s New York City Headquarters hosted a successful blood drive to help aid those in need and spread awareness during American Heart Month (February). One pint of blood has the power to save up to three lives, and Oppenheimer employees came together to donate over 50 pints that will support hospital patients in need of transfusions for cancer treatment or to treat traumatic injuries, anemia, sickle cell disease, and other blood disorders. These caring individuals recognize that every two seconds, someone is in need of blood – and one out of every three people will need blood in their lifetime.
Executive Director Yvonne Rouse who led the organizational team, commented: "I was moved by the outpouring of support from Oppenheimer employees. Their selfless contributions not only help those in need, but also bolster New York City blood banks, ensuring a stable supply for our community's health and well-being. Together, we're not just donating blood, but we're giving hope and saving lives. Thank you all for embodying the firm-wide values of compassion and generosity.”

Some employees even braved a specialized ‘double red’ donation, in which an automated process called apheresis collects two units of red blood cells, and by using a cell separator, safely returns plasma and platelets to the donor. Double red donations are especially important for individuals in need of a blood transfusion and for those fighting against blood disorders and various other critical conditions.
To read more about the life-saving process of donating blood, and to learn how you can get involved, visit the New York Blood Center.
Watch the video below as a few of our blood donors share their reasons for donating!