OIM Corporate Core Plus Fixed Income Strategy Achieves PSN Top Guns Status
- August 28, 2024
Leo Dierckman and Michael Richman, OIM's fixed income portfolio managers are ranked among the top 10 fixed income performers in PSN’s Core Plus Universe. This puts them on the Informa PSN "Top Guns" list as of 2Q24 for their management of OIM's Corporate Core Plus strategy.

Past awards presented are based on the corresponding time period noted, and were awarded at the end of such period. They represent performance of OIM’s Intermediate, Core and Corporate Core Plus strategies. Informa's quarterly ranking recognizes the top ten performers - before fees - within various asset peer groups, e.g. equity, fixed income, municipals, etc. The awards may not be representative of any one client’s experience with OIM and should not be viewed as indicative of future performance. Any selection to receive the awards and/or rankings may have been based on a limited universe of participants, and therefore there can be no assurance that a different sampling of participants might not achieve different results. In order to use these awards and recognitions in this and other materials, OIM has provided PSN with de minimis compensation for such use. Utilizing a proprietary blend of Informa Investment Solutions' top priority performance screens, PSN Top Guns ranks products in six proprietary star categories. PSN Top Guns investment managers must claim compliance with GIPS.
The complete list of PSN Top Guns winners and an overview of the methodology can be found at https://psn.fi.informais.com/PSNTopGuns/topguns_zephyr.asp and does not require a log in.
While this top-ranked strategy is only available to institutional investors, retail clients can access the team’s expertise through Oppenheimer Investment Advisers. To learn more about these strategies, view the product profile
Methodology: The Informa peer group was created using the information collected through the PSN investment manager questionnaire and uses only gross of fee returns. PSN Top Guns investment managers must claim that they are Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) compliant. These top performers are strictly based on quarterly returns. For more information, visit the Informa Financial Intelligence | Financial Research Services website.
© 2024 Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc. This commentary is intended for informational purposes only. The information and statistical data contained herein have been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable. Oppenheimer Investment Advisers (OIA) is a division of Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc. The opinions expressed are those of Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc. (“OAM”) and its affiliates and are subject to change without notice. No part of this commentary may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of OAM or any of its affiliates. Any securities discussed should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell and there is no guarantee that these securities will be held for a client’s account nor should it be assumed that they were or will be profitable. Past performance does not guarantee future comparable results.
Oppenheimer Asset Management is the name by which Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc. ("OAM") does business. OAM is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Oppenheimer Holdings Inc., which is also the indirect parent of Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. ("Oppenheimer"). Oppenheimer is a registered investment adviser and broker dealer. Securities are offered through Oppenheimer.
The risks associated with investing in fixed income include risks related to interest rate movements as the price of these securities will decrease as interest rates rise (interest rate risk and reinvestment risk), the risk of credit quality deterioration which is an issuer will not be able to make principal and interest payments on time (credit or default risk), and liquidity risk (the risk of not being able to buy or sell investments quickly for a price that is close to the true underlying value of the asset). Funds that invest in lower-rated debt securities (commonly referred to as high yield or junk bonds) involve additional risks because of the lower credit quality of the securities in the portfolio. The investor should be aware of the possible higher level of volatility, and increased risk of default.
A credit rating is an assessment provided by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO) of the creditworthiness of the issuer with respect to debt obligations, including specific securities, money market instruments or other debts. Ratings are measured on a scale that generally ranges from AAA or Aaa (highest, depending on the rating organization) to C or D (lowest, again, depending upon the rating organization). Ratings are subject to change without notice. Not rated indicates the debtor was not rated and should not be interpreted as indicating low quality. For more information on the rating methodology, please visit each agencies’ websites, Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s, and their respective rating methodology for rating credits. 6963578.1