Institutional Sales & Trading
Oppenheimer Institutional Sales and Trading offers the highest level of client service for equity portfolio managers and analysts. Our salespeople have an average of more than 10 years of industry experience each. The Oppenheimer brand and nationwide Financial Professional network provide the best client service possible.
Institutional Sales and Trading facilitates more than 3,000 company-investor connections annually. The team coordinates meetings between institutional investors and management of more than 500 companies. These events include several hundred deal- and non-deal roadshows, flagship conferences, field trips, bus tours, site visits, and other bespoke events throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia.
- Salespeople with average 10 years of industry experience
- Over 3,000 company-investor connections annually
With equity trading desks located in London, Boston, San Francisco, and Tel Aviv as well as our primary New York trading desk, the Firm offers outstanding service levels and attention to equity trading desks globally. We make markets in over 1,900 stocks with a focus on the publicly traded companies covered by Oppenheimer's Equity Research Department.

Merger with Elicio Therapeutics
Exclusive Financial Advisor
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